Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Vision of my Mission


The urgency of this mission can be compared with.........
Absolutely Nothing.
Drop everything & come with me
as I reveal the vision of this mission.
You see, I was told that there's this complementary Prize being offered to all & well I.. I've become an official promoter - a fisher of men.
The journey has begun & it won't stop until we've reached our Final Destination.
Straight ahead is the sea of Disappointment. I step into waters I was once familiar with, looking for that boy who's been waiting his whole life; that boy who's searched for something all his life, but has been disappointed time and time again. "I understand", I whisper, " But come with me. I've a gift that won't disappoint you."

to the shores that are being washed by the sea of Loneliness. As I arrive, I spot the girl who's lost so many; the girl whose tears, few can see & who strains to fake that smile. She searches for hope in the form of best friends and boyfriends but realises that they come.... & they go. "Come here Lonely One. Hold my hand & I'll take you to this Gift that'll NEVER leave you nor forsake you."
I am on a mission & I must make a stop to my left. I take off my shoes and walk towards the filthy sea of extreme Poverty. Streams of tears flow from my eyes as I wipe the tears of a starving child. I have so much & yet he has so little!, I begin to think. The child clings to my outstretched hand & I lift him into my arms. "I have something for you. Accept it & you will hunger and thirst no more."

I am on a mission.
Excuse my haste but this is urgent!
Look at the thousands drowning in the sea of Blind Contentment. In this sea I find the lady who thinks she has made it; the one with the degrees & the high profile job; the lady who unconsciously gives all credit to money and education. Wading in that same sea is the conceited girl and the Good People who religiously believe that all is well once you are "good". Oh how great their surprise will be when they get to the Final Destination. "Join me Blindly Contented Ones, your eyes will be opened as I take you to the ONLY source of True Contentment."

I am on a mission
& as a fisher of men, I make my way to the sea of Confusion. I walk towards the skeptic teen who wonders 'Can there really be a God in a world filled with pain and confusion?' The atheist tugs at one arm while I firmly hold the other. I glance at the self righteous 'Christian' who's got it all twisted, the Muslim, Hindu & Buddhist who secretly yearns for more. "Snap out of this trance and come with me. You and I know that your soul longs to meet One who is incomparable to all others. I have a Gift that will be hard to resist."

So this is my mission & it's almost complete. The Gift that you've been waiting for has been waiting all along. His name is Jesus Christ & he suffered a most horrific death just so we may be made whole again. Who is like the Lord my God?! In His presence, no one is lacking. There is no disappointment, loneliness, denial, hunger or confusion IN Christ.
Flee from your seas of destruction and take a drink from
the Living Water
for ONLY then, will this mission be accomplished.

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